
Hotel Info

Here is the Hotel Information for each of our out of town tournaments:


La Glace (January 12th to 14th)

We will be staying at the Hampton Inn and Suites in GP. The group rate will be $129 per night, which includes breakfast. We will also have access to a hospitality room where we can hang out as a team in the evening and order supper and play mini sticks or whatever. There is a pool at this hotel too, so don't forget swim suits.

To confirm your room, please call 780-538-0722 by the December 18th deadline. We are booked under Grande Cache Rockies. 


Grande Prairie (February 16th to 18th)

We will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express. The group rate is $129 per night and includes breakfast. There is a pool at this hotel too, so don't forget swim suits. 

Please phone 1-780-814-9446 to confirm your room by the January 5th deadline. We are booked under Grande Cache Rockies. 


Jasper (February 23rd to 25th)

We will be staying at the Maligne Lodge. The group rate is $109 for a standard suite which includes 2 queen beds, and $139 for a Junior suite which includes 2 queen beds, a hide-a-bed, and a kitchenette. Breakfast is not included, but is available at The Wicked Cup. There is a pool at this hotel too, so don't forget swim suits.

Please phone 1-780-852-3143 or 1-800-661-9323 to confirm your room by the January 23rd booking deadline. We are booked under Grande Cache Rockies. When calling, please provide group code GCRH18.

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